Education Visa Chiang Mai

This page is for Frequently Asked Questions about Education Visa from a University located in Chiang Mai.


  1. Where is Visa Support Thailand located? We are located in Chiang Mai Click here for Google Maps location

  2. Do I need to live in Chiang Mai to obtain an ED visa? No, all you need is a mobile phone and an internet connection. You can live anywhere.

  3. How long does the process take? If you do not live in Chiang Mai, maybe u need to stay for an attention visa for 1 night or can do it within the same day / It takes about 5-7 working days after payment is received…… or can do it in 1 or 3 days also … u will have totally for 15 months (if u come from TR). We can make hotel arrangements for you for one night.

  4. What is the difference between an education visa/student visa from a University and an education visa from a language school in Thailand? The difference is the immigration process. If ED Visa/student visa from a language school you need to go to immigration every 3 months for attention to the visa and with this program, you only receive 1 year. With the university, you can get 15 months and can stay with this program for 2 or 3 years and attention to the visa for 1 or 2 times a year.

  5. Are there any hidden fees?  No. Our price includes all immigration fees, books, and University fees for the entire 15 months.

  6. How many years can I extend the Ed Visa from a University? You can stay 2 or 3 years

  7. What documents do I need to give you? We need a picture of every page of your passport that has information on it, including passport picture, telephone number, email, and payment for registering with the university.

  8. How do I get started? We need at least 80% of the payment to start the process. You can do this by Thai bank transfer or come into our office and pay directly. We do not accept credit cards.

  9. How much is the education visa from University in located in Chiang Mai? 55,500 Thai Baht

  10. Can I apply from another country? Yes

  11. Can I obtain an ED visa if I come here on a visa exemption on arrival? Yes

  12. Will I receive a student card? Yes, this can be obtained from the University once classes start.

  13. Can I extend my current ED Visa from a Muay Thai school or language school? Yes

  14. Do you have LINE? YES, just click here

  15. Can I leave the country with this visa and come back? You will need to purchase a multiple-entry stamp or re-entry stamp at the airport before departure.

  16. Do I need to do a border run? We can arrange this for you please ask us for the price.

  17. Note: Immigration requires at least 30 days left on your current visa. 

  18. Note: If you are already on an education visa and would like to extend it we can do it.

  19.  To avoid having to leave the Kingdom when applying for an Education Visa, enter Thailand on a 60-day tourist visa rather than the 30-day stamp tourists receive upon arrival.